Should I get uneasy...?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost a year now, and we’ve fooled around a lot. Orrr I should say, he has. I’m okay with him touching me wherever he wants, but he’s recently brought it up that he really wants me to finally touch him down there. I’ve tried to before, but I seem to get all nervous and uneasy about it and I don’t know why..

Any suggestions?

Answer #1

I was the same way. If you are ready then have him do it. just make sure your ready for him to or you may regret it. if you tell him you want him to, ya he’ll be happy about it. but if you are uncomfortable with it after he does, tell him to stop. you could have him go lower each time. that worked for me my first time. JUST MAKE SURE YOU WANT IT, he’ll still love you if you don’t let him.

Answer #2

=/ I’m the same way. I don’t think I’m ready for that. I try telling him and he doesn’t really seem to understand. just tell him that you don’t think you’re ready for want he’s expecting/wanting.

Answer #3

When I had my boyfriend I would touch him down there/ handjob all the time like I. School at lunch in the libary in English class one time ritte in front of his mom and dad but I didn’t like him touching me downthere like the way I touched him … when I first touched him was scared I didn’t know what to do but I feel comfortable now

Answer #4

I was like that - I just had to pull up all my courage and do it. And over time I grew comfortable. Just make sure you really want to do it. And you’re completely ready.

Answer #5

I had the same problem before…take it easy…n relax …it takes time maybe your not ready…but trust when the time comes you wont even notice that your doing it

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