Should I dump him? Opinions?

I love my boyfriend so much - after 6 years of wanting to be together, we finally decided to give it a go (with me living in scotland and him in yorkshire) 3 months down the line he asked me to move down, so I carefully thought about it and decided to go for it. I have now been living with him for 7 months and at first it was amazing.

We had a rough patch and nearly split up but decided we love each other too much to throw it all away. Things were good again for a short while, but I now feel he has no consideration for me at all, he doesnt compramise on anything - just doing what he wants to do all the time (he would rather go out with his friends than spend time with me) yet he still says he wants to be with me.

I feel like im the one making all the effort to make it work and he just does what he wants. I dont mind him going out and stuff, dont get me wrong, but he isnt the most affectionate person I’ve ever met and to me cuddles and kisses are important. We hardly ever have sex and hes always making excuses to not do it - like hes tired or has a headache!! :(

He has said to me before he wants time for him to be selfish and do what he wants - lads holidays and coming and going as he wants - for a few years before he settles down, but also says he knows he wants to be with me forever, if we split now I’ve told him he will never get me back again!

I dont know what to do - I want our relationship to be how it used to be - loving and fun.

Am I just wasting my time? Or is it worth fighting for? Is he just taking me for one hell of a ride?

Please give me your honest opinion!! Xx

Answer #1

I personally think it’s worth fighting for. I understand my opinion is invalid seen as I’m only 14 but, I know quite a bit about failing relationships. Just sit him down and talk to him about it, or, if you don’t feel comfortable about it, show him this letter. It might shock him into reality. You have to understand he needs his time to, which, by the sounds of things you do. Give him a change to settle down. He’s probably still a lot more reckless than you.

Answer #2

I think your wasting your time. as much hope as you have for him you CAN NOT change someone unless they genuinely want to, and from the sounds of it he will never want to enough to do it..

I think you should move out and start over, there’s no going back in the relationship your currently in

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