Should I Date This Guy?

Ok. So There’s this guy that I like. He’s askedd me out like 3 times, and I keep putting it off. To describe him, He smokes weed, has a job and car, andd isnt a virginn. I am, but I don’t know if thats all he wants. so should I date him or not?

Answer #1

If you like him, there’s no harm in going on a few dates. But if you aren’t comfortable with his lifestyle there’s no point in getting involved if you know it will be an issue later. Trust your instincts - if you’ve put it off three times, maybe thats a big clue?

Answer #2

Just be careful he sounds a little older than you, which doesn’t really matter but guys at a certain age do just want one thing (SEX). Eventually he will try to talk you into having sex, but he may not if he’s a real nice guy (in that case he’s a keeper, but I don’t think that is the case). Don’t do anything you will regret, and you will know if its right or not..also keep your eyes and ears open for red flags that might say he’s a player or just wants sex. You can’t believe everything he says either because that will make you look niaeve and easy. Keep your virginity as long as possible girl and be smart! I have a feeling you know what you are doing…

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