should I change or not?

0kay here it g0es

This guy and I met in November of 08. We hung out a lot and started to act like a couple. Everyone thought that we were together but we really weren’t. He finally told me how he felt and asked me out. I have been myself since the day we met. My attitude nor have I changed.

But lately we been fighting a lot over stupid crap. Which is really immature and stupid! We both get pissed off at each other about each others attitudes. We spend a lot of time together. Rescently, he started to stay the night a lot. Now things that I do at night, gets on his nerves. For example, I like the fan on and the window open when I sleep. I’m use to sleeping alone in my big bed with two dogs. So I get all the covers and get to throw the dogs around to where I get most of the bed. When I am sleeping, I forget that he is in my bed. But ANYWAYS! That is the kind of things we get pissed off about. We broke up to “take a break” but it doesn’t last more then a day, because we miss each ot her so much! I love him more then anything esle in the world. I just always want to be close to him. And I don’t want to lose him, but I don’t know what to do besides changing myself. I don’t feel like I should have to change myself completely to make someone love me.

Answer #1

You have to decide at some point, if it’s worth it.

Down the road, something really important may happen that causes you to look at the fan and the dog situation and laugh because it seems so trivial. You never know what’s around the corner. If you love him and you’re crazy about him, yeah, there are things that you can change, about yourself, that will not affect who you are or what you believe in.

Answer #2

Im the same as you Im used to having all the space in the bed and I kick my boyfriend in my sleep and he gets really annoyed. You just have to make him understand that its not your fault what you do in your sleep Relationships are based on compromise, as nothing is perfect. Everyone argues. Everyone has their problems. Here’s an idea. When he stays, dont allow the dogs to stay in your room. Buy another quilt so that he has his own. Maybe turn the fan off and keep the window open a bit. You’r not changing yourself…its just compromising things. And he’s not staying over every night…so is only every now and again. Just talk things through. you dont want to end a perfectly good relationship because of sleeping arrangements lol

Answer #3

True, if some likes you, is because of Who you are. Granted in a relationship you need to learn to give and take is all about communicating and learning to reach a middle ground BUT that does not mean you stop being yourself. It Only means that you know that someone else is also part of you now!

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