should I breakup with him?

my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 months but hes getting a bit clingy and wants me to take showers and stuff with him already and we fight a lot except for when we are doing “stuff”. My two best friends seem to be on his side and talk to him about everything I talk to them about. I can’t trust them anymore to talk about him. So this kid that I liked last year but never liked me told me he likes me now and I have been texting him. I love my boyfriend but I feel like he’s too attached and gets too jealous easily. I have tried a few time to tell him but he gets mad. He always questions me when I try to even say hi to another guy. I kind of want to break up with him but my parents like him and I like his parents. plus, I’m worried about what my friends are going to think and what he is going to think. I want us to still be close and I will still love him. I just need my space. Plus I sort of like this other guy. Also I feel bad because he spent like $200 on me for christmas and just bought me a under armour sweatshirt for $50 for the heck of it yesterday. Also, valentine’s day is right around the corner. I don’t want to hurt him and I love him but I don’t know? can anyone give me advice please???

Answer #1

I know how you feel. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for over a year, and we fight a lot. my parents like him except for the fact that he is older then I am, by 2 whole grades. I go to counciling for abusive things and I was talking to my counciler about me and him fighting, since it was something that was really hurting me. she suggested that we sit down at the end of the day or week and talk about what did or didn’t go good. it worked to settle our difrences, it will help you if your honest with each other try it.

Answer #2

He isn’t treating you right. And it seems like he is spending money on you to make up for his bad behaviour. I would sit down and have a serious talk with him about everything and if that doesn’t work break up with him, cause you can do better. As for your friends. Get new ones. You don’t need people like that in your life and plus it is you dating the guy not your parents so it should be solely based on how you feel whether you decide to break up with him or not.

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