Should I believe him? I love him. ?

Okay, kind of complicating but… My ex and I dated for almost 2 years.. I got pregnant just after a year and when I was 5 months pregnant he left me for his nieghboor. After that I found out before I had gotten pregnant he cheated on me with my sister for a few months, then when I was pregnant he cheated on me with a friend. My sons now 7 months old and him and his nieghboor have dated the whole time except for a couple months when I thought about taking him back before but I got scared and he went back to her. I love him, he says he loves me and that he made some big mistakes because he was scared about the baby but he regrets everything and wants us as a family. It also makes me nervous because when we first broke up he threatened me for full custody so im scared this is a trick to get full custody. I don’t know if im being to paranoid or what. Help please.

Answer #1

Let me tell you right now. No judge will give him full custody if the things you are telling me are true. As long as you’ve never cheated on him and you are willing to take full care of your child. Me personally wouldn’t take anyone back who had done that much to me because the chances are likely that he will do it again. However, you’ll have to decide what’s best for you on your own. But take your decision into careful consideration because you do have a child that now must come first before him and even yourself. So make sure your decision is in the babies best interest before your own.

Answer #2

Actually theres no way in hell he would get custody . Doesnt matter if you cheated or that he did. Although it helps that he did for your case.

And about taking that scum bag back! dont do it. He will just cheat on u. You are telling him that its alright for him to do it >by getting back with him >> he can just cheat and you guys will make up eventually(thats what he thinks).

He doesnt even respect you!. He cheated with your sister and friend. if he at least cared about you he never would have done that!!!

Btw he is not what is best for your child. Your child needs you happy and stress free. And with your x you wont have that. Plus you dont want your kid around the fighting and arguying. You want him to be in a loving environment.

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