Should I believe him?

Okay well mi and boyfriend are doing good.. I don’t know if he is cheating on mi..I got to see his phone. And he has this person under v I don’t know who it is.. But he tried taking phone away from mi..before I heard he cheated on mi.. I don’t know what to do!? I know he will deny it!.. Sumone help!!!

Answer #1

Just ask him ..tell him that information got to your ear and that is the word that is going around dont say from where you heard it from and if he denys it Do NOT ask him if there is nothing going on why when you had his phone he snatched it away . listen to what ever excuse he says and then just say ok no problem I just wanted to hear your side I believe Hunny. and when he is not around and has his phone down ..get the # and call it but blocked and if a girl picks up ask for let say Jenny. and she is going to say wrong number then you ask what number did I diled.when she tells you ask her and whats your name she will tell you trust me. then at least there you will have her name and number. then a couple of days later have a guy friend call her at that number and ask for her and try to flirt with her on the phone and get information for you. if she has a man and whats his name how you met him.How long you been together? man he is lucky you sound really nice on the phone.. BUT Bull crap he is getting info for you so you can have proof to throw in his face. remember no man is going to admit he is cheating they take that to their grave.

Answer #2

Well on da real you should leave him because he is cheatinq on you why stay wit sumone that hurts you juss leave him and you would b happier wit out him

Answer #3

Whats he suppose to do admit hes cheating? If he wont let you see his phone, and you’ve heard that hes cheated on you, then you need to do some investigating on your own (without his knowledge) Find whoever you heard it from, and ask them point blank. DONT just ignore it! I’ve never encountered a boy who actually admitted he was cheating.

Answer #4

Okay well mi and boyfriend are doing good.. I don’t know if he is cheating on mi.. But he tried taking phone away from mi..before I heard he cheated on mi..

How can you say you’re doing good, when you think he cheated on you? Whether he did or not, you obviously don’t trust him. So end the relationship.

Answer #5

did someone tell you that hes cheating on you? or do you just feel it? if someone told you think about how much you trust that person, in comparision to how much you trust your boyf if not why do you think he’s cheating on you? -are your reasons viable (apart from this V on the phone who could be anyone really)? he mite be cheating on you, but then is there anything else he could be hiding from you? onli you can really answer the question whether you can believ him or not

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