
so I’ve been trying to findout what I should do for the rest of my life so some test sugested I be a scientest so I’ve always loved to mix things like a scientest whom uses chenicals mixes them so is there aplace where I can buy equiptment for: observing wild and house tamed creatures, mixing liquids, crushing and opening rocks ect, studying my findings, ect YES I DO KNOW THIS IS DANGOURUS WITH AND WITH OUT ADULT SUPERVISSION SO PLEASE DON’T WARN ME help please and thank you

Answer #1

Take this advice from someone with a degree in science:

First, learn all you can about what science is and what it will require of you. Science isn’t just a collection of facts to learn. It’s a whole new way of thinking. It requires questioning and testing EVERYTHING. You’ll need to make the scientific method a part of your life.

It isn’t just fun in the lab either. There is lots of writing and documentation to do. You must write research proposals for grants and compete for funding so you will need superior English skills.

If you live close to a university, visit the science departments and take a tour. Find out firsthand what real science is like. The faculty and staff can point you in the right direction with your education and can recommend some things for you do at home that would be safe.

Best of luck in your choices! We need more good scientists in the world.

Answer #2


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