Should I ask Him?

I like one of my best friends that is a guy. I think he might like me too. He has dropped hints to me but I haven’t really dropped hints back. I guess I’m too afraid that he might take me serious and that he might have been just kidding around with me. I really want to ask him out but since we have such a good friendship, then I don’t want to risk asking him out and saying no. I would feel humiliated and I dont think he will look at me the same as a good friend. What should I do? I also think that if I make-out with him, then he would be more interested.. I have no idea how to do that either considering I never have had my first kiss. I’d really like him to be my first. So should I ask him or leave it go?

Answer #1

im having d same prob…n as you do, im scared of, if you think u’ve got d confidence, go ahead!!

Answer #2

well if he is dropping you hints and you really like him then go for it! if you guys have a really good friendship then I’m sure he wouldn’t just be fooling around, but if you are completely confused, have one of your friends watch as he sends you hints and ask what they think, or even ask one of his friends to find out if he likes you! and as far as the kiss thing, I wouldn’t makeout with him you’re not positive he likes you, because then he would get attached for the wrong reason. hope this helps and good luck!! =)

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