Should I ask her out?

Right, this is a bit of a tricky question. I have a really close circle of friends that includes roughly 12 people, but there’s this one friend that I’ve developed sort of an attraction to, if you know what I mean. She’s gay, and I’ve always thought of myself as straight. I don’t feel the same way about her as I have with guys I’ve liked, but it’s definateley different from how I feel about all my other friends. I asked her once before, just in general conversation, if she’d date me if I was gay, and she said yes. So now I don’t know what to do. I read once that while you’re young you should just presume you’re bi and date whoever feels right, so should I ask her out? I’m not only fearing rejection here, but also if she says yes,and I decide I don’t like girls after all, and it’s just a “phase” or something like that, she’ll be sad. Also, if we go go out, but we break up, it’ll be really awkward for both us and the rest of the group. So, any advice?

Answer #1

You might be just going through a phase lots of people have phases like this at some point in their life

Answer #2

well first off your not gay…yet every girl expierements or has thots of doin it I say go for it

Answer #3

I dated my best friend who was also a girl for a year an a half. When we broke up everyone helped us get over eachother and that was that. If you love someone enough your real friends wont let things get wierd. If you wanna go for her I say go right ahead

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