Should I ask her out?

There is this girl that I knew since I moved to this new school…we hanged out one time and I don’t know I had feelings for her at that time and then I didn’t really kept up with her so we didn’t really talk since December 2008! but when I was trying to park my car today was waiting for her friends… so I stopped by and we had a lil talk.. and I go to know that she lives near by me. …so I kinda saw that she looks cutier than she used to be… anyway she made up my day… so when I went back home.. I went to talk to some girl and she told me that that she puts up a lot of make up and she’s fake and she also talks a lot of shi* 24/7! so I was like OK! so should I ask her out or should I just forget about it like the first time?

Answer #1

uhm well you said you just ran into her recently after not talkin for a while and just talked for only a bit, and plan on asking her out already?

uhm you should not just ask her out, get to know her some more again since you havent talked to her lately, and then ask her out :D

Answer #2

just ask her out if yu like her ask her out. who cares what the people say what really matters is what yu think of her so ask her out if yu like her

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