should I but a picture on here?

ii want to get a picture on here, but I feel like if I do, my brothers or my dad or mom or my friends can like see me here and itd be weird.. should I get one?

Answer #1

You dont have to put one of YOU. Find a picture of your favorite animal or something on the Internet.

Answer #2

yeah you dont have to put up a picture. especially if you are young

Answer #3

y0u sh0uld put a pic s00 people kan kn0eee wh0 you r && what y0u l00k like im new here but ii don’t thnk this is a bad sitee s000 jss tell y0ur perants that is a safee sitee

Answer #4

you should only if youre comfortable with it

Answer #5

yeah. my pics on ere. it’s a safe site so I don’t see what the problem is

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