Should I let him?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for about nearly 1 year I have gaven him head and hand and he has fingered me and I think im ready for him to lick me out I think im ready but do you? Btw im 14

Answer #1

If you’ve done those other things, then why not this?

Answer #2

I think you r 2 to young to have done that bt I ve done all that so I say do what you feel is right.don’t let him pressure you

Answer #3

yea. it is the funest thing ever! if you think you r ready go 4 it!

Answer #4


Answer #5

wow thats shoking I’ve a new website though

Answer #6

wow thats shoking I’ve a new website though

Answer #7

Just because youve been going out with him for a year that doesnt mean you HAVE to do this. If you feel 100% that you are ready then do as you wish but if your having doubts then just wait..True love waits & no I dont mean until marraige but until you are comfortable :)

Answer #8

For the last 3 days, you have been posting questions about having a boyfriend, and liking another. A couple questions had to do with wanting to get back with your ex, and when you did, you no longer wanted him. You say your boyfriend is controlling, and doesnt allow you to talk with other guys, and your here asking if you should have sex? Your 13 years old, obviously TOO young to even know what kind of stupid decision that is. Sex isnt going to make your relationship suddenly perfect, and it will only make your boyfriend MORE of a control freak! Dating should be fun. It shouldnt be about sex, ESPECIALLY for young teens! When sex is introduced into the picture, the consequences become VERY adult, including pregnancy, STDs, and broken hearts! You need to first learn HOW to have a relationship, and staying commited to one boy before becoming sexually involved with that person.

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