Should end my marraige?

I met my husband when I was 14 and got married when I was 19 (no children) im now 21 and we have grown into different people with nothing in common but hes my bestfriend… What should I do?

Answer #1

I think you should talk to him. I know it’s really hard for someone to live with a person that he has nothing in common. You should make sure that whether you love him or not now. love and communication are the basics of a marraige. if you love him and he loves you. I think you can do some changes for each other. but if you dont love him,you should end your marraige.

Answer #2

This one is hard. Just please dont wait 10 years for things to change (in the mean while having kids so things become even more complicated). Consider marital therapy. That way you know you’ve given it your best shot. I know it seems like its more for people who fight a lot, but maybe underlying the growing apart is a lack of communication which is why people fight. Maybe the spark’s just gone and you need to reignite it. Or maybe you were young, this is a mistake, and you need to end it now before things get ugly. And hopefully you guys can be grateful for the time you’ve had together but realize that you’re not meant to be lovers till death do you part. I guess, all I’m saying is, maybe try to figure out what’s going on and get some support so you can be ok with your decision to part?

Answer #3

I think you guys should sit down and talk about and then just take a break and if you still feel the same after a couple months then you should, you never be stuck in a marrige if you don’t love the person the way you did before, that’s torture and it’s not fair to the other person either. Maybe you probably do still love him but your not IN love with him. That’s just my advice, I’m not telling you what to do, I’m only 13 so I have no experience.

Good luck, I hope It goes well

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