Should I go see the Jonas Bros

see my friend know the j bros and I going to their should I go or not I got ther number I talk to them all the time

Answer #1

I couldn’t of said it better myself serjimmy lol The Jonas Brothers always have sucked and they always will.

Answer #2

no cause’ they suck.

Answer #3

I love da jonas brothers!! it is my dream to go see them! :D do you really have there number? I sorta doubt that.

Answer #4

As if she has their number ! LOL at all you naive people. And for the record; Jonas Brothers don’t suck, I’ve seen them twice live now and absolutley LOVED it each time! I tell you, if youhave the chance to go see them - GO! You’ll have the best night ever! :D

Answer #5

The jonas brothers don’t suck .. There pretty good to me lol like there song burning up . Everyone at my school sang that song .. Yes you should go see them .. Do you really have there number ??comment me back plż ((::

Answer #6

No! im completly boycotin them, do it w/ me

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