Shortened question about the guys expectations

Sorry for the really long story- Okay the shortened version He said he wanted a real relationship and we used to work well together and made sense- then decided to focus on sex. Then he decided he wants the real thing again and kids and family etc. But then warns against himself saying that he would hurt the me because im just not challenging enough for he focuses on both issues and cant decide what he wants.gets jealous when I talk to anyone else but go out of his way to make me jealous. Bottom line is this just about sex- in which case why bring up family and kids?

Answer #1

He clearly doesn’t know what he wants and doesn’t know what he has going for him. I would almost never suggest this but take a break from each other WITHOUT DATING OTHER PEOPLE. Yes I would say if you really need sex still have sex with each other but just separate for a moment and give him the oltimatum of either leaving or staying because this “I play too many mind games as a man” just does not work in a relationship. If he really is serious about this relationship he’ll see the light after a little bit of contemplating his life and your relationship. Don’t give in to some pity story he gives you after a few days. Make this last at LEAST a week or two. He has to know what he has to gain with you and lose without you.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice