Sho3 gam3

Ok I wanna know who thinks iitz ok to buy sho3z frum pay l3ss and who thiinkz iit aiint…because ii r3ally thiink that datz kiinda diirty

Answer #1

How in the world is that dirty? That sounds really lame and makes NO sense at all.

m0r3 p30pl3 m1ght r3p1y 1f y0u l34rn t0 typ3

Answer #2

lolz lolz yea I agree with yall!! lolz so what if dey dont sell nikes and…? what diffrence does it make? if a store dont sells ones are they dirty? NO DIDNT THINK SO!!!

Answer #3

00 ii KN0 H0W 3 TYP3 ii just CH00S3 TAH TYP3 LiiK3 ii DU because ii LiiK3 iiT…AND because PAYL3SS HAZ N0CK OFFz DAY AiiNT GOT NiiK3 DUNKz…BLAZ3Rz…CHUCKs …VANDALz NUTHiiN!

Answer #4

So that makes them dirty? lol…what the… my goodness.

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