Worthless Friend

The most important girl in my life helps me so much on every problem I have. She always knows what to say to me and make me smile. In my darkest hours of my life she is the only person to make me feel comfortable and happy again. Shes so amazing. But recentley shes been having so many problems and I never know what to tell her. When I comfort people im always hands on with them, hugs, holding, ect. But we live in different states so I can do that with her. I feel like such a shitty friend because I cant make her happy with my words. I feel so bad that I cant gelp her with her problems after all she does for me. I love her so much and all I want to do is make her happy and it kills me thay I cant. :(

What do I do?

Answer #1

now all this depends on who your talking about if it refers to me I want you to know you do make me happy, dont think so little of yourself =] I love you to death and thats not gonna change, sometimes some stuff thats going on in my life only I can help myself with. as long as your there for me thats all I need =]

Answer #2

send letters, play phone call games, anything which is creative and helps you laugh. it’ll keep you close if you laugh at the stuff you write to her, and so does she. I dont know why, but I love receiving funny things from my friends who I havnt seen in ages

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