What shirts go good with leggings for a teenager?

Answer #1

Long shirt or sweater that go over your butt. Oops forgot the pictures.

Answer #2

Leggings can be worn with a plane shirt or ever with a dress.

Answer #3

You can wear leggings with shorts and a long shirt, plain or plain depending on the design of your leggings.

Answer #4

I meant plain or plaid.

Answer #5

Long shirts, either really loose or really tight

Answer #6

i think ther cute with hoodies or tshirts. if ur goin to a party or arnt too concervatve u could wear a crop top. i personally wouldnt do tht but my bff wears crop wth everything! shes obsesssed

Answer #7

did know you answering surveys can help the economy, believe me try this one http://funadvice.com/r/15if61l33un

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