Shinier hair

How can I shiny like reaaallly shiny hair!!!???

Answer #1


that was offensive to me! thanks kmom25!!! igor; I don’t think you really saw the point of this site… you talk about getting educated??? “FUNADVICE.COM” advice on how to get shinier hair??? ummm what is wrong with that? I don’t think we are here to get answers like yours … if you can not answer the question then simple DO NOT answer and move on… you talk about wasting peoples time??? don’ you think you are wasting people’s time with unnecessary answers like yours? So in reality who is the one who is wrong??? I think you need to go back and educate yourself on manners.

I asked how to get shinny hair.. and sorry if I said it all valley girl but that is the way I talk … SORRY if that is what bothered you!

and No I am not going to hit the abuse button … I just think you should have a little bit more knowledge and manners before you start to judge other people and their questions. Go back to school and get educated on MANNERS !!

Best of luck to you Igor!

kmom25, thanks!!!

Answer #2

You’re most welcome kloaiza86, as for you Igor, be quiet. You know absolutely nothing about me or anything for that matter. I am on this site to ask questions and to hopefully help someone. What are you talking about when you tell me to focus on my education? I am educated. Educated and well mannered enough to not tell you what I think of someone who goes on to a site that is supposed to be informative and just starts being rude to people. You obviously like the sound of your own voice and maybe that is why you comment on people’s questions. And what is IGRORANCE? Do you mean I-g-n-o-r-a-n-c-e? I have to admit it is pretty funny when someone wants to talk about ignorance and can’t even spell it.

I don’t report “abuse”, I’m not a catty little girl, I am a grown woman who can take care of herself.

You keep mentioning that people should be focusing on their education instead of being on this site, why? What makes you think they aren’t? What business is it of yours? Why not try to be useful instead of showing that you really don’t have any advise, just criticism.

I like this site. I joined to get some advise and some very nice people helped me. That’s the point of it. It makes me upset to see when people go to answer someone and instead belittle them. I hope that any of my advise can be helpful to at least one person. You may not like the question, you don’t have to, just don’t answer it then.

Also, it is refreshing to see a question about how to get shiny hair as opposed to some of the other questions.

Answer #3

All you have to do for really shiny hair is leave your conditioner in for about 5 minutes, and then rinse with cold water. it works.

Answer #4

umm use garnier…or the green stuff in the bottle that starts with a G…it really works..

-Tiana {add me plzz}

Answer #5

well with those answers … you DON’T have them … sorry… But please I do not need comments, answers like that to my questions

Answer #6

put on a lot of leave-in conditionar and then put a towel to wrap your hair in in the dryer for about 10 minutes so it is really warm and then wrap your hair in it.By doing that it makes your hair really soft and it gets the conditionar deep into your hair…hope it works!

Answer #8

igor, she’s asking how to get shiny hair, it’s an innocent enough question. You’re pretty hypocritical to be telling someone to stay off the site and get an education when you yourself is on this site. Speaking of education you should work on your spelling and grammar. By the way, if you have to mention twice to some one that you mean no offense then maybe you shouldn’t even post a comment.

Anyway kloaiza86, a good conditioner left in for five minutes or so and then yes like someone mentioned some cold water after you rinse it. Also, don’t overdo it with the hair products or hair drying. You can get a leave in shimmer cream that you use just a dab throughout your wet hair and when the light hits it, it will really shine.

Answer #9

Igor, how about instead of trying to correct everyone you go buy yourself a nudie magazine so you can release some of that pent up little teenage boy frustration. Do not call me baby, you little boy. And speaking of “the west” it is actually a capital W. I doubt we would meet an untimely death as long as we have your country men and women rushing to live in our country.

Also, when someone has to brag about being so educated, it usually means they are insecure and try to build themselves up by exaggerating. Maybe after you hit puberty you will understand. Until then, why not sit in front of the mirror and wait to grow a moustache?

Answer #10

Baby oil in a small amout put it in your hair right after the shower

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