Protect against shin splints?

ok so I recently was diagnosed with shin splints and I have taped up my legs…the tape works to an extent and usually slips. Is there a better way to protect against shin splints?

Answer #1

I have shin spints, but there’s not much you can do about them. Go easy for a while, not too much running and jumping. If you do a sport it might be difficult though, definitely talk to you coach.

Answer #2

I have shin splints and it hurt like hell in basketball..what I did was tape up to a little below my knees then wore knee high socks, like the football ones that are tight so they dont slip. Also buy some Dr.Scholes or other types of cushion for inside your shoes. This helped a bit with me, but you may still hurt depending on what you do. Hope this helped

Answer #3

So, what sport or activity do you do? I agree about the Dr. Scholls, but in essence, having the right kind of shoes for what you are doing makes all the difference, and if you do have the right kind of foot wear, then shin splints should be nonexistent. But you will have to go easy for a while until they get better…otherwise youll screw yourself in the long run. I was in track all throughout hs…and I got them a few times, but once I started using the right running shoes…I didnt get them anymore. Also, take into account the surface you are walking/running on, and adjust for that. Help?

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