She's texting him!

So yesterday I was looking at my boyfriend a social site and I saw this one girl writting on his wall and and I asked him who she was ant said she worked at the gym he goes to. I didn’t say anything bc he has a lot of friends that are girl and we had just talked about me believing him that he really lovede but that nite I saw his phone on the table and decided to look at it and I found her texting him and him responding back. They were just talking about his major in bussiness and how he rents a room and how he likes to b independent and it seemed like something you would say to impress someone. It seems like it was the first time they texted since I didn’t c previous text messages which means he probably just gave her his number recently.. Should I b worried or am I over reacting.. I did see him sending her a smiley face that was winking.. I want to ask him how she got his number but then he’s gonna know that I went through his phone.. what should I do???

Answer #1

If you can’t handle criticism, then DON’T ASK FOR ADVICE. It comes with the territory. GOOD ADVICE doesn’t equate to ‘’advice that YOU happen agree with’’ …this isn’t

And if you’re going to be inconsistent with your information (or LIE), then its pointless for you to even be here.

Answer #2

all of that was in the past. Im talking about the present. Me and this new guy have been good after all the drama that happened with me and the guy I was with for almost 4 years. Im just asking advice about something that happened yesterday not months weeks ago.

Answer #3

The advice has been given… ( ^^ waaay up there ^^ )

You already said he has lots of friends that are girls… so what’s one more?

Answer #4

Oh, so its FOUR years now? And you left out the part where you were seeing BOTH of them at the same time…

Answer #5

You know what if you don’t have any good advice or anything good to say then don’t Fuen say it.. your here to give people advice not to criticize their life.. S*it happens in real life and this is a website to get fuen advice.. Obviously I’m not gonna b wrtiting every little detail of who I’m dating and how long I dated them for.. All you have to do is just read the question and give advice simple ad that!!! I wasn’t asking for advice on my old questions.. They have already been answer for me so don’t worry bout what I went through last time

Answer #6

It’s a long story but I’ll try to make it short. I was enggaged w a guy I was w for almost 4 years but I didn’t love him and e more and found someone else that I’m really in love w which is the guy I was talking about now..He said he’s in love w me and that he would do anything to make me feeling like I’m just the one but yeah I was nosey but only bc I wanted to make sure he was telling me the truth.. If he just knows her from her working at the gym then how did she get his number and why would he tell her about school and what he does and that he lives on his own.. To me that’s just trying to impress someone.. But anyways the thing that mostly bothers me is that she has his number which makes me wonder why he would give it to her

Answer #7

17 days ago, you had been going out with him for 3 MONTHS, and 1 month ago, you had been going out with him for 3 YEARS, and he broke up with you because you cheated on him. Oh, and you also had TWO boyfriends. Your entire relationship exerience you’ve presented to us, is a complete fu*cking mess…

So what do you honestly expect us to believe, hmmm?

Should I b worried

…probably not…

…am I over reacting..

…probably so…

what should I do???

BE LESS NOSEY… Just because YOU’RE a cheater, doesn’t necessarily mean that HE is too…

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