She is The One

I have met a girl named alexandra. She is italian and she’s 15, I’m 16. About 2 weeks ago she was forcefully raped by her boyfriend. She called me about an hour after it happened. She told me she had been raped and she’s going to press charges. I have been spending time her to give her emotional support. But something started to happen, I started to fall in love with her. I KNOW she doesn’t want another boyfriend right now. I get a different feeling when I see her. I think she might be my soul mate. Her smile light up the room like a thousand suns. Her deep blue eyes are as beautiful as the ocean. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should Iignore my feeling and keep them bottled? I need help.

Answer #1

Don’t do anything for a while. Emotional scars like rape, molestation, and sodemy can take years to get over trust me, I know. I would just wait for a while.

Answer #2

you should be patient but make sure she knows you’re there for her and make sure above all else that she feels safe with you. safe and comfortable. she’ll come around. girls are more likely to fall in love with their close male friends then guys are to fall in love with their close girl friends ;) good luck.

she needs comfort and security. remember that.

Answer #3

I think you should wait. Just until she’s ready for someone. Because she’s going through a hard time now, and a new boyfriend might put pressure on her.

Answer #4

I think you should just take it very slow at the moment, given what she’s just been through. however she did call you when it happened and not someone else. maybe just let her know how you feel but tell her you don’t expect anything from her, you just want to be there for her and help her through this,

good on ya mate!

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