She hates me

My crush’s girlfriend totally hates me. I dont even talk to her at all. She doesnt no anything about me and she judges me Her boyfriend(my crush) is also one of my close friends

Although she does no I like him…?

WHY does she hate me?

Answer #1

stares at her back that why you have eyes for lol rite but dont worry about it just laugh about it but dont start trouble…

Answer #2

She might know you like him…like why would you want her to like you if you like her boyfriend…come on now…

Answer #3

maybe she is just jelious cus you have something that she doesnt and she may feel that he might take you over her.

Answer #4

sometimes, and I hate to say this, but sometimes there are people in this world who just wont like you. It doesnt matter if you didnt do anything, if they dont like you they dont like you, but dont change urself just to get her to think better of you. once she stops going out with that guy, then you will stand a chance with him. youll never have to hang out with her again, so nothing she did will matter.

Answer #5

I dont like her.. I absolutely hate

I dont care if she doesnt like me its just that she always stares at me at school

its aggravating

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