She broke my hear, but now its breaking hers

This girl that I’ve liked for a long time and who has liked me, with done stuff together such as touch each other a bit, but now shes told me that she doesnt like me and the only reason she thinks she liked me was because I liked her. And now im torn, but shes bringing it down on herself way too hard, im tried telling her its fine but she doesnt believe me, I need a way of making her feel like she has gotten me over it. And were still friends but everytime im around her a really want to touch her. btw im 16

Answer #1

Aww, thats sweet.. I’m 16 too :)

Well my thought on this is.. don’t lie to her and tell you dont have feelings for her because that would just bring you down.. if I was you I would tell her.. that you do have feelings for her, dont tell her that she has breakon your heart, because that would make things worse for her. and if there is no way in her heart she has feelings for you more then just friends.. tell her that you will always have feelings for her, tell her that its okay as much as it isnt.. and that if she feels guilty of what she said.. tell her it will just hurt you more if she brings herself down..

I’m sorry if this doesnt make sense lol I hope I helped :P but good luck.. I hope you get better soon :)

Answer #2

I think, you should talk to her straight forward about the issue. if you felt the real love for her, show it! nothing’s too late till you stop trying. for sure, the reason she’s like that towards you is because, she thinks she’ve pushed things between the two of you, and she thought of ot as ungenuine romance. well, a lot of developments mightve happened, she mightve beenin love with you, but she wants to be honest with how she understood things, and she wants to be honest with you.. well, now is the time to clarify things, tell her how you really feel, and make it up to her.. ((:

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