Shaving down there?

I asked my mom about it a while back and she told to me to never shave down there I know that it comes back darker and thicker but I feel very self concious about it espically with my boyfriend (he said he prefers shaven but doesnt really care) I do trim so I don’t know if shaving is better or not

So I don’t know if I should shave or not it sounds kinda painful and is it weird to like not have hair? Does it make you seem like a child?

And also im kinda scared to do it for the first time (not sure why) but if you shave just once does it come back basically the same as before?? How long does it take to grow back?

Any advice is welcome thank u!!

Answer #1

I am really self concious about my body. I’m not fat or anything but by self concious I mean like I think the “lower” part of my body is kind of ugly, if you know what I’m saying. Like what’s the point of all the hair. Ugh it looks gross. Shave it off!!

Answer #2

You’re so young, and you worry about your boyfriend seeing it?

And why would you ask your mom about something like that?

Control yourself, you’re not as old as you think.

Answer #3

thanks all of u!! haha I did and I love it thank you all for your advice!! :D:D

Answer #4

Read about it and see for yourself; I don’t care who says so; their wrong. Your hair DOES NOT come back darker and thicker; it looks that way because it’s the bottom of the hair. Shave your bikini line; I don’t know any guy that likes hair down there. Even if you have a “landing strip”; you will have more intense sexual pleasure, because you’ll be more sensitive. Besides, no guy wants a gob of hair in his mouth; would you?!

Answer #5

I shave all of mine because I think it is kinda gross. and it grows back very quickly.

Answer #6

I prefer not having hair… I find it gross… everything has gotta go with me haha

I tried shaving but I didn’t like it, cause it grows back so quickly, you get pricklys by like the next day and that feeling drove me insane it was itchy… =\

And if you shave just once it will come back the same as before… you can’t really tell if it gets darker… and the only way to tell that its thicker is when you go to shave to next time cause its more difficult…

So I prefer waxing, it hurts more, but the hair stays away longer…

Answer #7

Well, it’s your thing do what you want, But I shave all of it because I don’t like it getting bushy. But, if you do shave the first few times, it will itch and I mean really really bad. And after a while you’ll get used to it and it won’t itch any more. But yeah if you do shave and your mom doesn’t want you too just shave it and rinse the tub really really well.

Answer #8

You should shave it not only cause it looks better but also more hygenic. Bacteria from your period can stick to your pubic hairs and its just better in general when you do its gonna itch like hell but if you use hair conditioner the razor glides a lot smoother than w/regular soap or shaving cream. and it also moisturizes you skin at the same time. also after shaving massage the hair conditioner onto your skin and it wont itch so much when it grows back cause honey your gonna feel like someone threw itching powder on your stuff!! putting baby powder after you dry yourself can also relieve the itching.

Answer #9

I dont know if you’ve seen the programme ‘embarrassing bodies’, but the doctors on there said that it isnt true that when you shave it grows back thicker. It’s up to you what you do, do what you want. But it isnt that bad shaving it all off, remember to use a new blade, and to take your time :) I use baby powder as well after, makes it softer and more comfortable. Try not to shave every day, other wise were you shave starts to get all bumpy and red, best to do it every week or so. The hair can grow back pretty quickly, but it’s ok for the first couple of days. Hope this helped, good luck! :) x x

Answer #10

I prefer girls that just keep themselves trimmed.

I find it weird when girls shave it all off. I can’t understand why a guy would prefer a vagina that looks like a prepubescent 10 year olds.

There is a good reason why vagina’s are called p*ssies.

Just my own views ladies and I accept that everyone has different likes and dislikes.



Answer #11

well,u shouldn’t shave if not necessary but if you really want to then why not use a hair removal cream

it doesn’t hurt when removing the hair

Answer #12

Its what you prefer. I trim mine very short with a trimmer and wax my bikini area. I am not comfortable with fully waxed or shaven pubic hair. Only children and pre puberty teens are bare down there. It is a turn off for me and my husband. You do what YOU like.

Answer #13

its not painful at all . I promise lol and sometimes guys like it when its bare sometimes they like it when theres a little there as well it depends I guess . um I have a somewhat phobia of having anything there lol so I shave almost everyday and stuff because I get stubs in a bout 2-3 days and I hate them . uh , its kind of like shaving your legs too dont put too much presure either because it might hurt . just go gentle but if you dont want to , dont do it then . simple as that .

Answer #14

shave if your going to have sex it will be less embarrassing guys really dont mind doe at least the ones who I’ve heard talkin also in sex and health ed class the told us it was healthy to shave daily so I guess who they said goes however I’ve read that the hair helps prevent infection so im not truely sure but if your gouin to have sex shave the sex will be better because you wont have a feeling of embarrasement on your mind

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