Would you consider me a "shallow" or "average" person?

Hi ;). I’m just terribly insecure so it’s getting harder and harder for me to understand myself. That’s kind of why I’m here; to ask for your general opinion. Thanks, and detailed answers are well-appreciated! =) By the way, this is like a long question so… yeah.

I’m an ambiverted person overall, leaning to the extroverted side. I usually like to say “hi” to the people in my school (I’m a teenager) because they seem lonely. I like helping people out and generally don’t want anything in return because I don’t like getting stuff from people. People think I’m an average person, but then they don’t totally know me. I won’t follow the crowd for what they wear or what they do so I can be “cool”. I just want to be myself. I can count myself as an “artistic” person. I like to draw what comes to my mind and my friends like to ask me to draw stuff for them; which pressures me because I might fail them. I like music from all genres, but the ones with the most meaning are the ones I listen to the most. Coldplay, One Republic, and a lot more are always the ones in my playlist when I’m trying to write a meaningful letter. I tend to make songs, stories, and poems a lot. I can be considered as a “lost-in-thought” person. I think things through and I don’t like judging a person by their “cover”. If I did, I wouldn’t have met 90 percent of my friends. I have a lot of “acquaintances”, but then I only have a few close friends which I hang out with everyday. I’m extremely self-less; I could help a stranger (let’s say new classmate) out for the entire school-year and all I’ll ask is to keep in touch in the Summer. I d The weather and atmosphere also affects my mood deeply. I love it when it rains because I can think things easier and it helps me remember good memories. I also love taking scenic pictures because it just relaxes me. I’m also a fan of reading. It irritates when a person only does something just so they can “fit in”. I stopped hanging out with one of my close friends because he smoked cigarettes and do all those shiz just so he can be with the crowd. I can’t find any depth in him, other than his outer personality. I also don’t like it when people stereotype a person. For example, I hate it when a person expects a gay person to act girly and work in a barber shop. They’re only looking at their general appearance, and don’t take the time to get to know them. I love going to the park and sitting on the top of the hill What bothers me the most is the fact that I’m totally different from a lot of people. Like for instance, I consider my brother a “shallow” person since he doesn’t look at things the way I do. When it’s rainy, I’m usually more vivid and thoughtful, while he doesn’t seem to understand how things are. He only listens to music that him want to dance (he’s a hip hop dancer), and gets bored when peaceful music plays. He has a hard time getting to know people, while I could tell when a person is happy or sad. I’m extremely silent in car rides and tend to look the window; looking at the atmosphere around us while my brother continues to talk and talk about random stuff, ignoring the deeper aspects of life. Sometimes I think I’m crazy because I view stuff very differently from most people; for I take time to study it. I literally wonder about everything, and am very intellectual about things around me. When I talk, it shows that I put a lot of time in what I say. I know that life is complicated, as questions run through my head as I type. I love to ask myself the meaning of existing, the purpose of life, and of course, love. I try to think of how multiple religions exists (I’m Catholic, but then why are their dozens more), and it’s pretty obvious that barely anyone does this. They usually think about the latest gossip or who’s the leading sports team. If you try to take a trip to my brain, it would be boundless. Their’s just so many things that make me who I am. I’m very “complicated’.

There’s a lot more that I want to write, but I don’t want to bore you any longer. Thanks for answering, it helps a lot. :)

Answer #1

I think you’re very normal. You are a very deep thinker and you analyze everything and anything around you. There are plenty of people that are like that. It may seem like you’re the only one who thinks about life the way you do, but I can guarantee you that some of the other kids who only seem to be interested in the “latest gossip” are probably just like you. I myself am a very deep thinker and I analyze life all the time, but I don’t always express that side of me outwardly. People put up personas of themselves, which is just the image or personality that a person decides to present to others around them. You said it yourself, you don’t like when people stereotype before getting to know someone… Maybe you should try getting to know those other kids before you put them into a separate category than yourself. I feel that your brother isn’t necessarily “shallow”, I just think that he has different interests than you do and is more extroverted.

Answer #2

Thanks for your reply :)

Answer #3

i dont think your shallow at all. You’re just an average person! To be honest i think youre a lot like me. I do what you do. i listen to all types of music, love rain.. litrally everything you said. I help a lot of people with depression ect. and i dont judge. people judge me because im ‘gothic’ to them. I get so pissed off when people judge others or act stupid for attention.

Answer #4

i dont think your shallow at all. You’re just an average person! To be honest i think youre a lot like me. I do what you do. i listen to all types of music, love rain.. litrally everything you said. I help a lot of people with depression ect. and i dont judge. people judge me because im ‘gothic’ to them. I get so pissed off when people judge others or act stupid for attention.

Answer #5

You and i are just deep people. People dont know my background either. I think you have to have something happen to you to think in that way. Don’t worry your normal, you just ‘think outside the box’ and see life in a clearer way (:

Answer #6

You rock! :) Simple as that.

Answer #7

you sound awesome ha like you just seem really nice and caring. kinda reminds me of myself but you seem smarter by how you talk. but you dont seem shallow neither does your brother what i consider shallow is someone whos like into themselves and judgmental you know and you dont at all seem like that. you and your brother are just different like different interest and personality, and theres nothing wrong with that,. and thats cool that you dont let people pressure you into doing things like you just kinda do what you want which is good cause your your owe person and dont need to do stupid stuff to fit in just shows your character, but i dont agree with you… i mean i dont know your brother by what your saying he dosent seem shallow.. like thats not what makes a person shallow he seems cool but you to just have different interests different personalitys dosent make him shallow thou,,, and ik people like that to that think alot you remind me of my friend hes the same way

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