Sex scenes

Okay I have a rather embarassing problem…well I don’t know if it’s really a problem - I’m hoping you guys can tell me. I cannot watch sex scenes without getting extremely uncomfortable to the point where I have to stop watching. Whether its a movie or a TV show or even porn. I can’t watch them. I feel so wrong and dirty and just uncomfortable. My boyfriend thinks I’m being a bit of a prude about it but I’ve always been like that. When I was very young (too young to know what sex was) I remember accidently seeing a graphic sex scene on the TV and it really disturbed me. I don’t know if that is why I am this way, but does anyone see this as being a problem? or do I just accept it and avoid any kind of sex scene to spare me the embarassment? Is there a way I can get over this?

Answer #1

Well, as with any phobia (let’s just call it that for the sake of argument) you have to start slow. If people have a strong discomfort towards spiders (arachnophobia) there are sessions of watching pictures of small spiders, until they are comfortable watching those. Then they start watching pictures of bigger spiders, scarier than the ones they felt comfortable watching up to that point. Then just build that up. In your case I suggest watching pictures of people just kissing maybe? :D

I gather that usually people with a dislike of something along the lines of this get taught that at one point in their life. I’m no psychologist but somewhere along the way someone gave you the strong impression that it’s wrong and dirty to watch scenes like that. If you find that instant it might help you give a better understanding of why and maybe even reverse it.

hope it helps :)

Answer #2

I rlli don’t think its a problemm seeing that its nott rlli my thing either likee who wants to see otherr people doing it on cameraa lmaoo idkk thatss my opinon and I rli don’t think its a problem and you shoudnt be embarssd about not wantin to watch porn theyy shouldd bee embarssdd for wanting too watchh itt hahah

Answer #3

I feel weird watching sex scenes in movies when other people are watching it with me..but if its on tv & im the only one watching it, it doesn’t bother me I have no idea why lol..I wouldn’t worry about it everyone has phobia’s. :)

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