Should I have sex with him?

Don’t judge me,

Okay guys, I’m 13 and my boyfriends 14. We’ve done just about everything bar sex. Like dry humping. He’s fingered me, licked me out I’ve given him handy & I bj We’ve been naked together in bed (but we haven’t had sex)

He’s my first boyfriend that I’ve ever done anything with. & the first guy I’ve made out out & the only guy.

I really feel like I want to have sex with him. I love him

He’s already had sex before, he lost his virginity when he was 13. I’m still a virgin (ovsly lol)

We want to do something different. New. But I’m still not sure about having having sex. I know he really wants to do it, he;s told me & everything. I want to but I’m just not sure yet.

Does anything have anything eles we can do? Should I have sex with him? I do love him, a lot. I’m just scared on being judged.

Answer #1

Ok, no…do not have anal sex. just because you can’t get pregnant that way, doesn’t mean you can’t get std’s that way, or worse. anal sex is not safe for someone of your limited experience and if done wrong can be fatal. I’m not saying this to scare you. its just a fact. he could bust a blood vessel inside your but and you could bleed to death. if done too rough, he could rupture your colon, and you could die if that happens too. Also, you are very young. I know that you feel strongly for your boyfriend, and I’m sure he also feels the same about you. however, I don’t think that either of you understand the full weight of what sex is and what it means. Yes…sex is a great thing, and one of my favorite things to do. I understand the feelings that you are feeling, but you said that you weren’t sure about it, so there is your answer. when in doubt, don’t do it. there are so many more reasons why you should wait that to list them all would take a long time. here are a few…too young, std’s, pregnancy, your reputation, your self-worth, and ultimately there are so many bad things that could come from sex that your future could be destroyed. I promise I’m not trying to lecture you, but you should really consider slowing down. you really are just a baby, and when you are older you will know what I mean. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but one day you’ll get what I’m saying. right now, little things seem so big to you. you will be convinced that every boyfriend will be the guy that you know you are going to marry. its not always so. you need to pace yourself is all, and really keep your eyes open. pay attention to things k. if you do decide to have sex, you need to use protection and get on birth control. be as safe as possible when you decide you are ready, but please take what I’ve said into consideration.

Answer #2

If you two have sex, you most likely will be dumped after because he got what he wanted. It was the same thing with my friend. Except she has herpes and they did it several times. Even after they broke up:/ maybe your boyfriend has something because he’s alredy done it. &most likely he wont say if he does have something

Answer #3

if you need to ask then youre not ready, I waited till I was with someone I love, I was 14 when we started dating, he was 16. I knew he wanted sex but we waited till I wasa ready and 5 years later we are still together infact we are living together.

Answer #4

brianboxryan- you do have chances of pregnancy by doing anal. the semen can seep into the vagina and increase your risk of pregnancy.

Answer #5

Same thing happend to me exept I’m 14 and my boyfriend was 18.. I did anal with him once.. And after like 2 days we broke up.. I kept loving him.. and then I got over him in about a month.. and I’m GLAD I didn’t have sex with him.. He was my first love and all.. But the point is.. You will end up braking up.. and plus.. Anal sex is a wrong way to do a successful relation.. I think having vaginal sex first is better.. But your way to young.. Wait till your 16 =)

Answer #6

I would sugest really not to! I’m 14 I say it whit expiriance! I’ve had sex myself more than 5 times by know and been fingered and everything you can imagine! I did it because I was stupid and just made mistakes. I also did it because I was abused when yunger and that just made me worse! I recently almost got rapped because another guy wanted to have sx whit me and I said no. DOnt do it. Your too yung, and also your not going to be whit him your whole life to just loose your virginity whit him! Believe me! \GOOD LUCK!!!

Answer #7

I would suggest not having sex with him. You are only 13 and in there you didnt say how long yall were together and thats a BIG concern. I would just wait a while longer because most of the time men tend to stay around long enough to get some and then will leave no matter how much we feel invested and love te relationship. Seriously if you do it you will regret it later and I guarente he will NOT stay and there will be other boyfriend’s and you will wish you had waited. I am 24 and regret having sex at a really younge age like your self all for a quick feel good. Its not worth the pain you feel in the end. Its not worth risking an STD, STI or pregnancy.

Answer #8

have anal therefore you can’t get pregnant

Answer #9


Answer #10

listen to her i have friends who got married because they had sex and she got pregnant. their happy but it’s harder because they were married 8 months before the baby was born

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