How to setup the cards for Speed?

How do you setup the cards to play speed?

Answer #1

Each player is dealt five cards to form a hand, and six cards facedown to form a drawing pile. A stack of five cards is then placed facedown on each side between the players, and serves as a replacement pile. Finally, two cards are placed between the replacement piles in the center in two different places, also facedown. Players flip the two center cards and proceed to put down cards. In traditional Speed, a player cannot put down a card of the number (a nine cannot be placed on top of a nine), only a card higher or lower than the card in the center. For ace cards, the two choices are king and two. The game ends when one player has put down all of his or her cards. If neither player can put down any cards, they flip cards from the replacement cards and continue. If all cards are used up, two cards are randomly selected from the pile and placed on top.

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