Septate hymen...?

Ok so I have septate hymen, and it’s causes some problems. I can’t use tampons and sex is a little diffuclt and painful, all the time. So I heard you can get minor surgery to remove the extra skin. but I was wondering how much that would cost and how long would you have to wait unitl having sex?

Answer #1

It’s a very minor procedure, done in the doctor’s office, so I don’t think it’ll be expensive at all, but it will depend from clinic to clinic so your best bet is to call the clinic that you’re going to to get a rough estimate.

As for how long you’ll have to wait until you can have sex again, it will depend on how much tissue will be snipped, and how fast you heal. Again, you’ll have to ask your doctor for a more accurate estimate after the procedure as he can see your situation first hand. I think he might recommend that you take a couple of days off sex to let it heal, or if you bleed a lot you might have to wait a week or so.

Answer #2

I just got this done today. it was about $200 at a gynecologist’s office vs. $2,600 at a general hospital.

it was uncomfortable to get done, and afterwards I was a little nauseous and felt somewhat faint due to the bleeding - but I would do it all over again.

I can’t give advice on the healing process, since it’s only been a couple hours. but it shouldn’t be too bad. just take the first night off from any events, and the next night should be a little better.

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