Self-Piercing Your Septum

I need to know how to pierce your own septum. Starting with how to ice it. Ways to stay calm, and finish it off with cleaning regemens & jewelery. I also need a supply list and a guid on how to sterilize.

Thanks for reading :]

Oh, one thing I don’t want to hear is way I shouldn’t do it.

Answer #1

That’s smart.

But, as you now know., the lady at the piercing place where I live doesn’t do septums.

Answer #2

technically werent all piercings done “unprofessionally” at the beginning when they were first created because technically no one was a professional at the time of the first piercings? and your probably better off piercing it yourself then letting that crazy lady at the salon do it but thats just me I dont like her and I dont trust her but you probably shouldnt do it yourself

Answer #3

Don’t bother paying attention to the first answer because you DON’T pierce ANYTHING yourself. Only a true moron would even THINK about doing ANY piercing by their self. Piercings are meant to be done PROFESSIONALLY… no matter what. If you pierce it yourself, chances are you’ll end up with infections, it won’t heal up correctly, and you probably won’t even pierce it right to begin with. Don’t listen to ANYONE giving you tips on how to do this yourself. Seriously, they’re full of sh*t. They’re NOT professionals and they DON’T know what they’re doing. Neither do you for that matter. If they would claim to be a professional piercer, ignore them because they’re lying. If they were truly a professional, they’d be saying DON’T EVER do ANY piercing yourself. ALWAYS get your piercings done by a PROFESSIONAL like myself.

Listen to my advice, I know what I’m talking about. You WILL regret doing it yourself and you’ll be wishing like hell you would have gotten it done professional. It’ll be well worth the price and you won’t be sorry, I promise. By getting it done professionally, you will KNOW it’s done right and you will have a VERY LOW risk of infection if you care for it properly that is. So seriously, DON’T DO IT YOURSELF. Get it done by a PROFESSIONAL.

Answer #4

Kay well it’s actually a REALLY hard piercing to do properly by yourself due to its location, so I would highly advise getting it done by a professional… It’s not an expensive piercing either… But heres all the info if you do decide to do it yourself:

You don’t need to ice it, it’s a pretty pain-less thing to pierce.

I stayed calm by laughing at how the clamps looked hanging from my nose. And thinking they were giant silver droopy boogers haha. xD

To pierce it all you will need:

  • Clamps/tongs [to pinch the skin and make sure the needle goes through straight]
  • A needle [sewing needles work, just make sure your jewelery isn’t too thick]
  • Hydrogen peroxide [to sanitize the needle/jewelery/clamps - let soak for a few mins]

To clean it you need:

  • Anti microbial soap
  • Epson Salt
  • Q-tips
  • And a cup/container [big enough that you can fit your nose into]

Don’t forget a septum isn’t pierced in the nose cartilage, it’s through the thiner membrane that separates the two pieces of cartilage, and it located very forward towards the tip of your nose.

So it’s pretty standard to pierce you just need to clean the area first with anti microbial soap, then you find the soft spot to pierce, attach the clamps and pierce. Don’t push the needle all the way through or you wont get the jewelery in. Leave the needle so it’s half in half out then remove the clamps, place the jewelery directly beside the thicker part of the needle and follow it through then your all good. =]

Okay and to clean it you have to fill a small container with warm water and add epson salt [enough so all the salt is dissolved in the water] and you stick your nose into that for about 5-10minutes [no less then 5 it won’t clean it, no more then 10 cause there will be too much bacteria in the water], you need to do that 2-3times a day, and once a week you will use the antimicrobial soap, you just put it on a q-tip and rotate that around the piercing. Don’t forget that you need to turn the piercing around when cleaning it, I did 3-10rotations each time I cleaned it. =]

Try not to play with it, and don’t flip it a lot, it hurts and can get irritated…

Well I think I covered everything haha if I didn’t just fun mail me back and I can anwser anything xD

Good Luck.

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