seeking advice

I lived in new york all my life and I met this boy named jeremy and I really love him!.. The thing is I recently moved to georgia and he lives in new york we want to make it work!… do you have any advice on how to make us really work!

Answer #1

Thanks so much that did help me a lot

Answer #2

Technology is a great thing for long-distance relationships, so there are plenty of ways you can keep your relationship alive and kicking. People forget that distance does not necessarily mean separation. It is shallow to think that being apart physically means you have to be apart emotionally. If you can agree that you will talk to each other every day (even if it’s only for a few minutes), you can definitely make things work.

My girlfriend and I spent a whole month talking online and with text messages (during which she told me that she felt the same way), before we saw each other again. It can be very rewarding and it can teach you a lot about each other and about yourselves. It will test the durability and flexibility of your relationship and if you can get through this challenge, then you can look forward to a happy relationship (even if it doesn’t last forever; the memories will).

Stay in touch over the phone, even if it’s only by sending a few text messages to each other. Talking to each other using instant messaging services (eg. MSN Messenger) is a great way to communicate in long-distance relationships. You can send each other little postcard or letters (those are very personal and can be very warming/ comforting). Don’t forget that you can also e-mail each other, etc. There are many resources at your disposal. If you can convince him to get a web-camera, you can see each other as you talk. Not to mention you can send each other photos via e-mail, etc.

I hope that helps :)!

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