Screamo tips

Any tips on screaming?

Answer #1

First off, there’s more to it than just screaming. You have to know HOW to do it and what things to do… or else you’ll fck up your vocal cords and sht. That wouldn’t be too fun now would it?

Screamo sounds really awesome when done right. My advice to you is just practice. You won’t sound EXACTLY like the bands who do screamo. Everybody who does screamo has their own unique sound. Just try to start out by testing different sounds and such… low, loud, in between. Each should have a different sound. DON’T PUSH YOURSELF. If your throat starts hurting or your voice starts slipping STOP. Don’t risk hurting your vocal chords. Keep a drink like water, gatorade or whatever you drink, handy that way you can get a drink in between screaming. This is an important thing to do to keep your vocal chords moist, that way your vocals chords don’t start getting dry. Be sure to take breaks from it too. Don’t keep practicing 24/7. Get a drink before you start, in between during your breaks from screaming and after you’ve finished for the day/night. Don’t try to be something your not either. If you don’t get it, don’t worry. Maybe you will some other time. Practice for a half hour or an hour and then stop for the time being and maybe try again later that night for another half hour or so. Be sure to take a few 10 minute breaks or so in between your practicing times too as I said before.

Just follow my advice and you should be fine. But like I said… if it hurts… STOP. Don’t ever push yourself or else you’ll cause damage to your throat/vocal cords and then you’ll really be wishin you hadn’t of pushed it huh?

Ignore the dumbas*es who just say stuff like “uhhh… just scream” or “start by hating your life”. Screamo has nothing to do with hating your life. And there’s WAY more to it than just screaming.

I think that about covers things. If after all this, you still can’t do it, or it causes pain. Give it up. Your voice/throat has probably changed forever and you wouldn’t want to risk causing serious damage to your throat/vocal chords. Also, if you need anything else regarding this or something… don’t be afraid to ask me because I’m very good when it comes to stuff like this haha

Answer #2

Well, since I’m not much help with this subject, I’d definitely say listen to a7x… she gave some REALLY good tips/advice and seems to really know what she’s talking about.

Answer #3

Try some opera training - that way you can give out some high pitch screaming without damaging your vocal chords.

Answer #4

swallow the air in a balloon high voice!!!

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