Science Topic?

Okay, so I was supposed to figure out a topic for my science experiment last week, but I’m still working on it, and I don’t know what to do, so I’m going to copy down the paper, and can you help? Thanks. :)

_ My question cannot be answered “yes” or “no”

_ I will be interested in this topic for the long haul (Don’t pay attention to this one)

_ I’ll be able to complete this experiment at least semi-quickly

_ I’ll be able to get the permission I need to do this. (Ignore this one too..)

_ I’ll be able to get the equipment and resources necessary to complete my project.

_ My school doesn’t have any rules that will stop me from doing my project (No animals allowed)

_I don’t already know the answer/outcome of this.

_I have specified the exact type of subjects for my experiment (the spieces of plant, etc.)

_ I’ll be able to use more than one subject

_ I’ll be able to locate the subjects I need to use.

Help is extremely appreciated!!!

Also, do you think the classic paper towel experiment would work? (Which brand works better on what?)

Answer #1

I think the dowsing idea is pretty cool myself, but you should try and study something you like.

Whatever you do, be careful on your methodology. Adhere to the scientific method, and if you can, use large sample sizes, control groups, double blinding, clearly-defined pass/fail criteria, etc. And don’t let your parents “help”. :)

The teachers want to see you getting excited about science. As long as you find a topic that interests you, and can think of a way to apply the rigor of science, you’ll probably be alright. Forget everything that any authority figure ever told you to accept “because I said so”. As long as you can think of an objective test, you have a chance to find something out for yourself. Don’t waste that on finding out which paper towel is the quicker picker upper. :)

Answer #2

The problem with the dowsing idea (cool as it is), is that you’ll probably have trouble finding a bunch of people who claim to be able to dowse.

The really good science experiments are the unusual ones, at least in my opinion. See if you can find an everyday issue that people take for granted and approach it scientifically. Though the ‘no yes or no questions’ restriction makes that harder.

Answer #3

Take a look at this web site about “dowsing”. I always had an idea that on of my kids could have done a pretty good science project on test the claims of the dowsers. (They never did.) Of course, my bias is that it’s all foolishness, but I could imagine several ways to test it using various “hidden” objects and several test subjects. If you’re interested, send me a fun mail and I’ll outline some strategies for testing the effectiveness of dowsing methods.

Answer #4

Paper towels seem a little “amateur” if you know what I mean

Surely you can do something a little better such as:

-Plants in different environments (light intensity) -The effectiveness of antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria -Is audio or visual information better remembered

..something like that

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