School problems

I need some help!! Every one at my school won’t take my singign seriously they only see me as a nerd especially in maths!! Only cause im a level 8c!!! I am singing in assembely on friday infront of my whole year and im scared what might happen!! Any advice??

Answer #1

hi well why dont you join a singin class @ school (if you haven’t already!) because on1 would take me seriously bout my singin and I join a singin class and now im in a band anyway gud luck xx

Answer #2

dont be scared show them that there’s mpre to you then just maths. shine like a star and dont be afraid to give it all you got once people see how beautiful you sound they’ll take you seriously :D

Answer #3

First of all don’t worry, when your singing I don’t think people will be thinking about how good you are at math theyll be thinking wow she’s an amazing singer and when you are singing don’t worry about everybody else just tone them out imagine your the only one there, focus on breathing & the lyrics and you’ll do fine, trust me and believe in yourself [as soppy as it sounds]. ^-^Good Luck Ciao

Answer #4

omg your 8c I wish I was you right now haha im 5c I think, I’ve never known anyone to get 8c :] well anyways dont be scardd im suree everyone will love yourr singing & wont start calling youu a nerd as soon as you start singing. maybe there will be a few people saying ‘omg the nerds singing’ but I dunno. im suree they will just sit there and appreciatee your singing. :] good luck x

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