how can i go back to school if i cant afford it?

i left college in 2008 and have been looking back ever since, it was the most idiotic thing i have ever done. i was depressed and couldnt handle it back then, i graduated highschool too early (at 16) ran off to college and spent more time crying over family problems than i did studying for my classes and ended up dropping out of the 4 year university i had been attending. im 19 years old almost 20 and ALL I WANT, what i want more than ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD is to go back to school. i applied to go to a technical college to raise my gpa before returning to my university but when i filed for financial aid my estimated family contributions were around 10,000.00 but my family wont help me go back. What can I do?

Answer #1

Student loans are always an option, they arent the funnest thing in the world but if you really want to go back to school and plan on using your degree to get a job, student loans can help and you dont have to start paying them back until after your graduate.

Answer #2

what about Pell Grants or perhaps its called Federal Pell Grants??

I think some states have it…if you ask in your state if they issue pell grants, they do the whole process info questions & what not to see if you can be issued it.

Maybe that might help with or instead of the student loan?! Worth a shot. good luck!

Answer #3

Some governments have loans to help struggling students and banks as well. Depending on the rules in your country all you might need is for someone to sign as surety. So maybe a family member can sign for you or a friend? It would be best to find out from the institution you are going to be studying with.

Answer #4

Get your FAFSA and fill it out, jump through all the hoops. Chances are you will get some sort of financial aid from it. And check the collage your going to for any scholarships.

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