
Ok well im not doing that great in shcool and my parents are getting really pissed at me if it were you what would you do to help bring your grades up?

Answer #1

do extra credit work or ask the teacher if you make up sumthin

Answer #2

Pay attention, study more, do my homework, ask for help if I don’t understand something.

Answer #3

More concentrated study time with no distractions - maybe a friend can come quiz you in subjects you need work on - hire a tutor…I wish you the best !!

Answer #4

Pay attention in class especially in math and physics and chemistry ,, and when you get back from school ,, study and memorize important things ,, ps ,,study every lesson twice a week and after 2 weeks revise every subject from the first lesson to the last one ,

Answer #5

do make up work if any and pay attention in class more often and do your best at all times!!! gOod luck!=]

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