What was the scariest moment of your life?

Answer #1

once when i was 10 i went down this water slide at a place lol and it was a 2 person ride but my brother was too scared to ride it and my mom had to stay with my brother because he was only like 7 so i went on it by myself half way through the ride it just stopped and the tunnel for the water slide was PITCH BLACK so i was freaking out so i strated to scream that i got stuck inside of the ride so about 20 minutes later they had some lady help me out of the ride

Answer #2

Omg that is so scary.. I’d freak out too. One time when i was 11 I was on the swings in a park and all the kids use to take the swing and keep spinning it until it wouldn’t go any further.. then they’d let go. Well I was sitting on the swing and my cousin kept twisting it all the way to the top and only a second before he let go I screamed “My finger is stuck in the metal!” and he let go of it and i was spinning fast and my finger was just twisting everywhere D: I don’t like swings that much anymore.. and my finger is sorta deformed now. Like, there’s a bump on it :(

Answer #3

well when i was about 15 or 16 i had a lump in my neck near my collar bone..and i was going back and forth to the hospitals and different doctors because they didn’t know what was wrong..they thought it was a tumor and they didn’t want to cut into it just in case it was something else that would spread…that was so scary because none of the many doctors i seen couldn’t figure out what was wrong..but then a while after that i went to this one doctor..he did an MRI and everything on me and in the same day he realized that it was just a cervical rib (an extra rib bone in my neck)…so that was a relief that it wasnt anything like a tumor or cancer..but it still bothers me and if it continues to bother me i would have to go into serious surgery to get it removed..but i think that was the scariest time in my life

Answer #4

every second of my life..

Answer #5

aww that sucks :( im glad that didnt happen to me i would freak out

Answer #6

aww :(

Answer #7

yep, i live the fast pace life.

Answer #8

Just this summer I was in a lot of pain like I would have throbbing head achea every day. Then around july I started to get double vision i went to the er but all they did was give me vicodin. Then around the middle of augest I went to the eye doctor and they saw swelling in my eyes. A week went by and I wwnt to an eye hospital qho told me to get an mri that same day. I got the MRI then like the moment I got home my mom got a call and they said they found a huge tumor near the back of my brain. That was the scareat moment of my life.

Answer #9

Darkness falls

Answer #10

while watching Darkness falls movie when i was a kid

Answer #11

Omg that’s soo scary.. are u okay now ?? :(

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