Scared Of Hubby Cumming!! :(

Right I have been with my hubbz 4 about a gud few mnths now and its not like I have told him I want a baby we have both talke about it and made it clear da when don’t want 2 av 1 yet. We talk everyday on the phone constantly and never get bored when we go out we buy each other stuff and go cinema we deeply do love each other. We are both not virgins and we have deeply discussed not using a condom da 1st tym we av sex together and we also want 2 do it doggystyle. Now,, I ent complaining or nuttun but I want him 2 enjoy himself wid me but im scared that he will cum inside of me I don’t want that but I want him 2 climax and I don’t do da ‘sucking d*ck’ thing. He has sed wt happens if he duz cum or pre-cums inside of me but he sed he won’t I know I can trust him but I really don’t want 2 use protection because we want 2kno wt it feels like without it.

Answer #1

take pills… promise, it would help you big time…

Answer #2

Fanx Babe =D a lot 4 Yur Advice.x.

Answer #3

try contraceptive pills. it turns women into horny lil rabbits :P if not. you can get this lil thing injected into you. but you wont be able to have kids for 3 years. cost like $5. very cheap and easy. but it may have side effects. simple contact your local GP for information and clues on how to help your sex life with your partner and keeping it safe. you can visit sex stores if you want to help him climax too.

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