
I am 18 and have been dating my boyfriend for awhile now. I love him and he loves me. We want to be physically together, but I am afraid. I have been raped before and I am just scared to anything and I have no interest. Its not that I dont want to, sex just makes me sick now. What can I do to change the way I feel? He is a great guy and understands and loves me all the same, he does not try to get me to do anything I do not want to do. I just want to be able to do this for him

Answer #1

go see a counselor, it sounds bad and what not but they can help you sort things out and have a sexual drive again! try it out you might be surprised if you ever need to talk add me as a friend and fun mail me okay :)

Answer #2

I can honestly tell you from experience that it’s hard and will take time. The best thing your boyfriend can do is to go slow and have lots of patience with you. Go as far as you can with him and then when you get uncomfortable have him stop…over time you will get farther and farther. Other than that, go see a therapist…it really does help.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice