Does anyone know any openly Satanic metal bands?

Does anyone know any openly Satanic metal bands?

if anyone says Manson, they will be shot.

Answer #1

why in the f* do I want to know this anyway? In order for satan to exist, we are acknowledging that God exists, so I guess in that respect its good to be curious. Dude you need to get to the truth in life and realize that all your searching brings you back to the one truth, that God is reAL, and that we are truly His children, and that He loves us. All this evil music really does is to take us further away from the truth. I went thru this also, but I have come to realize that these bands just do this kind of music for one reason. The almighty dollar. And they will put out whatever music that disillusioned and rebellious people will BUY!!! Its a $$$ thing to them.

Answer #2

king diamond is the main one that comes to mind. GOLGOROTH- very satanic. I believe VENOM is old school- INFERNAL MAJESTY well, there are 4 for ya.

Answer #3

well lets see…that manson fella… oh no… my delete buttons broken… damn you geek squad! time to pray…

(anyway theres a lot in europe mainly sweden)

Answer #4

guar but they arent very good in my opinion

Answer #5

Backstreet boys?

Answer #6 jkjk

I dunno.

Answer #7

deicide,devildriver,canibal corps,decapitated,there are loads

Answer #8

I know a lot of Satanic bands, actually 700 satanic bands to be exact. Venom, Absu, Anak, Archgoat, AngelCorpse, Demoic Christ, Black Flame, Belial, Goatlord, Bathory, Black Forest, Carpathian Forest, Candle Mass, But if you want to know anymore E-mail me I can come up with a list for you.

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