Where's the flying tank in San Andreas?

Where is the flying tank? where do I pick it up?

Answer #1

get the flyin car cheat and spawn rhino (its a tank) cheat. easy. here are some websites:ign cheats,gameshark cheat heaven. p.s. there is no such thing as findin a flyin tank. you have 2 cheat at that 1 matey

Answer #2

go to cheatcc.com…get the code for the tank and then get the code for the flying cars…when you activate both…make the tube on the tank face the rear and keep firing…the tank will start flying from picking up speed…

Answer #3

Yeah, as far as I know, you have to go on the internet to look up cheats… or get a cheat book. It’s a good game, I love Grand Theft Auto. Good luck, Britz

Answer #4

my cousin has that game and he told me all about it and he said you have to get a book of codes to get certain stuff includin tanks.

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