Which phone should I get?

heyyy guys wat phone do you thiink ii should get THE. SAMSUNG R410 0R. RAZ0RR ???

Answer #1

i’ve had the razr for the pest 2 years and i can honestly tell you it SUCKS! they break so easily! i’ve literally broken 8+ razr phones during this time. i would absolutely LOVE to get a different phone, but unfortunately i have a contract with my phone company so i can’t :’[. i guess i have to stick to this stinky phone for…ever. get the samsung!

Answer #2

The LG Shine

Answer #3

Get an iphone. If you like to surf the net anytime

Answer #4

either the samsung sch-u740 or the samsung sch-u900, they both are cool

Answer #5

nokia N70/N72/SONY ERISSON

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