sagittarius compatibility

I’m a sagittarius (dont mind the birthday “january 8” on my profile: its just my sisters birthday.) my bday is in december. I’ve fallen for a virgo guy, and I’m also in love with a leo guy. this scorpio guy is hitting on me… and this libra guy keeps on staring at me… which one is my best match, according to astrology? I searched just about every website but they dont give me details. personal experiences are best!

Answer #1

Horoscope matches are no help but it says yours is Leo but that really doesnt mean anything

Answer #2

These horoscopes are a load of crap sorry to tell you. Some one gets paid to make fake stuff up to sound good to make people buy or read their newspapers, Magazines or websites. Wherever they are. Your “best match” Would be found by picking the one you like most, But also treats you well.

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