Are the rules of posting, posted somewhere? Or do we have to guess what is acceptable?

I have given several answers to people, only to get my answer erased and a message to clean up my answer. Problem is there was nothing to clean up, and no clue of what was wrong with the answer I gave.

Answer #1

click on “about” at the bottom of any page, then scroll to almost the bottom of that page and click on “terms of use”

Answer #2

The Terms of Use is the basic guideline for answering questions.

I, personally, haven’t come across any of your answers that I felt required deleting … would you happen to have an example of one of the deleted posts? (I know - difficult to provide if it’s been deleted)

Answer #3

I tried to leave a copy here, but again, my post disappeared and I was told to clean up my answer. I thought it might be because the word sex appeared in my answer, but it also occurred in the question.

Answer #4

Try sending a copy via FM to Colleen, maybe that will work

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