
so I like this guy and we are like best friends but he has a girlfriend and yesterday was their one year and next weekend im supposed to go with my other friend to his girlfriends house to hang out with them all and I dont know either or not I should!! I liked him before they started going out, but im very happy for him that he found a girlfriend that he really loves. I wish he was happy with me but im happy for him. But I would hate her so much if she ever broke up with him. what do you guys think about this?

Answer #1

It always sucks to see the guy you like with someone else. Atleast you are being the bigger person and realizing that he is happy, and keeping yourself out of the equation. Just make sure that you are just friends, and it doesn’t lead to anything else. That can cause so much un-needed drama and it could change his views about you. Honestly, if you dont feel comfortable around the two of them, I wouldn’t be around them. There is no reason for you to sit there and be miserable because you like him and he’s with her. Move on and find a new guy, find someone to bring to these places with you, find someone who likes you.

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