Root word for flounder?

What is the root word for flounder.

Answer #1

flounder is a fish. in different fishing seasons its called different things or the water it comes from. it’s sometimes called a fluke. otherwise it has no root word.

Answer #2


Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian flundra 

flounder (n.)

"flatfish," c.1304, from Anglo-Fr. floundre, from O.N.Fr. flondre, from O.N. flydhra, related to M.L.G. vlundere, cognate with Gk. platys "flat, wide, broad" (see place (n.)).

There’s a break down of some of the etymolodgy for you

xox Sika

Answer #3

flound, I think

Answer #4

I dont think it has one.. I mean, there is no word “flound” in the dictionary, if you know what I mean

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