Is he into me?

OK, So here is the deal. I have met a great guy online. We have been talking for a short while. We have both decided to not talk to other potential mates, and be “exclusive” However, he asks me questions about how I feel about him, and I have explained that I care about him a great deal (this is really weird for me since I have never had feelings for anyone I didn’t know in the flesh before) and he says he feels the same… but I am sort of wondering if maybe he is not as into me as I am him. He has told his cousin about me, but not his friends… where as I have told all my closest friends about him.

What should I do? Please help!!!


Answer #1

humm well… yea we like to wait a little bit, ok heres how it goes.. im in the same boat as you are…

ok I met a girl through a phone, kind never saw here but we talk every single day… for hours…

well we both told each other we are falling for each other, and we have all these plans made already for vacations and dates and you know everything, she showed her mom and dad a pic of me and her parents know all about me however I cant really say the same, I mentioned im talking to her but thats it, the reason… I want to wait until it is for real until I know everything is ok, and the reason again is because if I go and say im talking to this wonderful girl and we got plans and everything and then boom nothing happens then its harder for a guy to tell friends and family that it fell through, we dont lke to announce things until we are sure of everything,

kind of dumb I knw

Answer #2

yeah I wouldn’t worry about it… it’s not like he’s using you for just booty calls or anything considering you haven’t met him in person, because that’s usually one reason guys don’t tell their families and friends they’re “seeing” someone.

Answer #3

Yeah… I actually talked to him about it tonight… lol. He basically said that he will tell his friends and family when it is really really serious. Then… he told me that he thinks that he is falling for me… lol.


Answer #4

nope I dont think so.

Answer #5

Thank you both so much!!! This makes me feel better…

Thank you again!!!


Answer #6

thanks tinatodder4 thats basically it to…

Answer #7

Is anyone going to answer my question???

Answer #8

LOL… ok then!!! Thanks!!!

Answer #9

Guys tend not to tell their family and friends about that kind of stuff, till they know it’s true. That’s what I have heard. I dont know if its true.

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