Right to hate myself?

I tell all my friendsThat Life Iz 2 Short So Live Life Without any Regrets and If they say sumthin that might hurt someone a lot they better mean it because if they don’t it will come back and bite them in the @ss. Bt I don’t listen 2 my own advice: I regret telln my ex that I h8 her. because I didnt mean it. So do I have a right 2 H8 MYSELF? (don’t Hold Back If your going to Tell Me Stuff)

Answer #1

ok, if you want an honest opinion, no one is exempt from making mistakes and no one is perfect…everyone says or does things that they regret later (at least once in their life)

and becuase of this, most people, have at some stage been in a situation similar to yours, the trick is, that dealing with it involves addressing it. yes you may have said some harsh things to your ex, but the real cruelty wil be never telling her you’re sorry.

and I don’t believe in regrets, I have made some appauling decisions in my time, and some things which in the short term, made me think I’d done something wrong, but they have ultimately led me to where I am today and the person I have become. I always swore my only regret would have never been to do my training, the way I figure it, if I were on my deathbed, what would I regret, and that was it…so, I’m doing my training now!

the point of this is…that we do what we do at the time because it seems right, we say what we say at the time, because it seemed appropriate…it is only out of that moment that we forget the anger / frustration / sadness etc we felt which inspired us to act that way…

life is too short for regrets…but as long as you try and rectify them, then you should at least, reduce some of the burden. guilt is what people who care feel…if you don’t have guilt then how can you care? it dictates a lot of our decisions when we think about the consequences…

Answer #2

people make mistakes.

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